Consolidated statement of changes in equity

(All amounts in Saudi Riyals thousands unless otherwise stated)

Share capital Share premium Statutory reserve Retained earnings Proposed dividends Other Reserves (note 13.2) Equity attributable to owners of the Company Non-controlling interests Total equity
Balance at 1 January 2021 6,429,344 1,410,398 642,883 1,184,908 - (2,798,419) 6,869,114 531,041 7,400,155
Profit for the year - - - 758,798 - - 758,798 (14,890) 743,908
Other comprehensive income - - - - - 1,226,140 1,226,140 93,648 1,319,788
Total comprehensive income - - - 758,798 - 1,226,140 1,984,938 78,758 2,063,696
Issue of shares (note 13.1) 853,369 3,925,495 - - - - 4,778,864 - 4,778,864
Transaction costs on issue of shares (note 13.1) (148,570) - - - - - (148,570) - (148,570)
Changes to non-controlling interests (note 14.1) - - - - - - - 331,043 331,043
Dividends (note 13.4) - - - - - - - (105,043) (105,043)
Proposed dividends (note 13.4) - - - (560,000) 560,000 - - - -
Transfer to statutory reserve - - 75,880 (75,880) - - - - -
Balance at 31 December 2021 7,134,143 5,335,893 718,763 1,307,826 560,000 (1,572,279) 13,484,346 835,799 14,320,145
Balance at 1 January 2022 7,134,143 5,335,893 718,763 1,307,826 560,000 (1,572,279) 13,484,346 835,799 14,320,145
Profit for the year - - - 1,540,035 - - 1,540,035 (63,625) 1,476,410
Other comprehensive income - - - - - 4,201,698 4,201,698 242,965 4,444,663
Total comprehensive income - - - 1,540,035 - 4,201,698 5,741,733 179,340 5,921,073
Changes to non-controlling interests (note 14.1) - - - - - - - 351,672 351,672
Divestment in subsidiary without loss of control (note 14.2) - - - (3,245) - - (3,245) 64,150 60,905
Dividends (note 13.4) - - - (2,947) (560,000) - (562,947) (62,454) (625,401)
Proposed dividends (note 13.4) - - - (606,813) 606,813 - - - -
Transfer to statutory reserve - - 154,003 (154,003) - - - - -
Balance at 31 December 2022 7,134,143 5,335,893 872,766 2,080,853 606,813 2,629,419 18,659,887 1,368,507 20,028,394

The attached notes 1 to 40 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.