Consolidated statement of financial position

(All amounts in Saudi Riyals thousands unless otherwise stated)

Notes As of 31 Dec 2022 As of 31 Dec 2021
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 5 10,105,713 11,815,728
Intangible assets 6 2,028,830 1,997,430
Equity accounted investees 7 12,624,518 9,433,199
Net investment in finance lease 8 11,501,842 12,372,474
Deferred tax asset 20.4 119,955 165,004
Fair value of derivatives 21 924,537 45,540
Other assets 9 397,775 211,009
Total non-current assets 37,703,170 36,040,384
Current assets
Inventories 10 406,820 425,299
Net investment in finance lease 8 378,486 375,821
Fair value of derivatives 21 106,131 -
Due from related parties 22 985,120 780,656
Accounts receivable, prepayments and other receivables 11 3,227,164 2,913,617
Cash and balances with banks 12 6,354,522 5,172,921
11,458,243 9,668,314
Assets held for sale 33 139,963 -
Total current assets 11,598,206 9,668,314
Total assets 49,301,376 45,708,698
Notes As of 31 Dec 2022 As of 31 Dec 2021
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital 13.1 7,134,143 7,134,143
Share premium 13.1 5,335,893 5,335,893
Statutory reserve 872,766 718,763
Retained earnings 2,080,853 1,307,826
Proposed dividends 13.4 606,813 560,000
Equity attributable to owners of the Company before other reserves 16,030,468 15,056,625
Other reserves 13.2 2,629,419 (1,572,279)
Equity attributable to owners of the Company 18,659,887 13,484,346
Non-controlling interest 14 1,368,507 835,799
Total equity 20,028,394 14,320,145
Non-current liabilities
Long-term financing and funding facilities 15 22,332,678 22,856,753
Due to related parties 22 862,887 1,594,852
Equity accounted investees 7 68,370 443,167
Fair value of derivatives 21 1,669 362,890
Deferred tax liability 20.4 214,277 120,404
Deferred revenue 17 90,651 54,331
Employee end of service benefits’ liabilities 16 190,788 196,025
Other liabilities 23 820,070 674,248
Total non-current liabilities 24,581,390 26,302,670
Current liabilities
Accounts payable, accruals and other financial liabilities 18 3,051,247 3,597,981
Short-term financing facilities 19 275,052 186,381
Current portion of long-term financing and funding facilities 15 1,039,904 958,476
Due to related parties 22 88,603 83,485
Fair value of derivatives 21 - 44,058
Zakat and taxation 20.3 236,786 215,502
Total current liabilities 4,691,592 5,085,883
Total liabilities 29,272,982 31,388,553
Total equity and liabilities 49,301,376 45,708,698

The attached notes 1 to 40 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.