Consolidated statement of profit or loss

(All amounts in Saudi Riyals thousands unless otherwise stated)

Notes 2022 2021
Revenue 24 5,275,930 5,235,393
Operating costs 25 (2,410,582) (2,383,677)
Gross profit 2,865,348 2,851,716
Development cost, provision and write offs, net of reversals 11.4 (35,438) (133,249)
General and administration expenses 26 (1,030,467) (924,872)
Share in net results of equity accounted investees, net of tax 7.1.4 294,442 321,693
Other operating income 27 519,748 187,430
Operating income before impairment loss and other expenses 2,613,633 2,302,718
Impairment loss and other expenses, net 29 (251,510) (356,482)
Operating income after impairment loss and other expenses 2,362,123 1,946,236
Other income, net 28 394,821 41,554
Exchange loss, net 30 (36,842) (46,915)
Financial charges, net 31 (1,228,674) (1,052,531)
Profit before zakat and income tax 1,491,428 888,344
Zakat and tax charge 20.1 (232,874) (80,110)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 1,258,554 808,234
Profit / (loss) from discontinued operations including loss recognised on assets held for sale 33.6 217,856 (64,326)
Profit for the year 1,476,410 743,908
Profit / (loss) attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent 1,540,035 758,798
Non-controlling interests (63,625) (14,890)
1,476,410 743,908
Basic and diluted earnings per share to equity holders of the parent (in SR) 32.2 2.11 1.04
Basic and diluted earnings per share from continuing operations to equity holders of the parent (in SR) 32.2 1.81 1.13

The attached notes 1 to 40 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.